Crawling From The Wreckage
Sometimes I just want to get to work on Grant Morrison with a pair of scissors.
"Orqwith." Really? "The City of Bone, the City of Miracles... has spread like ripples in a pond from one central point - the Quadrivium (is that even a word? - ed. i.e. me) which is itself the terrestrial image of the Gods of the Crossroads."
Do you feel stupid? Like you can never understand just what the heck he's throwing at you? Like he's making up stuff that's not real, but is real really, because it's written?
Yes, he makes me feel stupid. And then he hooks me. "In the serious light of stained glass and volatile candles, two priests meditate. One is a liar, the other, an honest man. And they are waiting to answer the Question that will unmake the world."
Wow. Just plain wow. Tell me. How. Can you. Resist that?
Even when you think that he may privately be laughing at you. Us. Everyone. Heh. He is just making stuff up, right? These are stories, words put together to form vague meanings. I can read between the lines. Actually, I don't need to. He's pretty straight forward. "It's kind of divination, like casting the runes or reading the flight of birds. Only with words." Very eloquent eh? Hehe, the horrible truth of existance is, "some stories have. No. Meaning." Live with it.
Putting aside that herb, I think of the meme thing. Warren Ellis has used similar fundas twice. In transmetropolis (don't ask me where, 60 issues X 22 pages is a lot to thumb through. And in Global Frequency. Issue 4, i believe). I'm not so sure i like memes. It lead to a lot of crap on the blogosphere.
Last story. Blah. Did not enjoy. Not like ape-faced girl. Not like Joshua Clay. But is okay. Good exists with bad, like yin and yan. Or yang, too tired to check.
Now, leave me be. Trades 2 and 3. Await for me.
P.s. read up on memes and the Feigenbaum Constant, which, frankly, i'm not sure is the same as Fiegenbaum's Sequence of Imaginary Numbers. Let me know if you know.
Also, some guy has has created an Orqwith page modelled on the CIA's World Factbook. Worth checking out.
"Orqwith." Really? "The City of Bone, the City of Miracles... has spread like ripples in a pond from one central point - the Quadrivium (is that even a word? - ed. i.e. me) which is itself the terrestrial image of the Gods of the Crossroads."
Do you feel stupid? Like you can never understand just what the heck he's throwing at you? Like he's making up stuff that's not real, but is real really, because it's written?
Yes, he makes me feel stupid. And then he hooks me. "In the serious light of stained glass and volatile candles, two priests meditate. One is a liar, the other, an honest man. And they are waiting to answer the Question that will unmake the world."
Wow. Just plain wow. Tell me. How. Can you. Resist that?
Even when you think that he may privately be laughing at you. Us. Everyone. Heh. He is just making stuff up, right? These are stories, words put together to form vague meanings. I can read between the lines. Actually, I don't need to. He's pretty straight forward. "It's kind of divination, like casting the runes or reading the flight of birds. Only with words." Very eloquent eh? Hehe, the horrible truth of existance is, "some stories have. No. Meaning." Live with it.
Putting aside that herb, I think of the meme thing. Warren Ellis has used similar fundas twice. In transmetropolis (don't ask me where, 60 issues X 22 pages is a lot to thumb through. And in Global Frequency. Issue 4, i believe). I'm not so sure i like memes. It lead to a lot of crap on the blogosphere.
Last story. Blah. Did not enjoy. Not like ape-faced girl. Not like Joshua Clay. But is okay. Good exists with bad, like yin and yan. Or yang, too tired to check.
Now, leave me be. Trades 2 and 3. Await for me.
P.s. read up on memes and the Feigenbaum Constant, which, frankly, i'm not sure is the same as Fiegenbaum's Sequence of Imaginary Numbers. Let me know if you know.
Also, some guy has has created an Orqwith page modelled on the CIA's World Factbook. Worth checking out.