Reading @ the Speed of Light...

Friday, January 28


Seems like everyone's talking about these two books. And really, how can they not, when We3 and JLA:Classified have one of the strongest closing issues around...

I wasn't a big We3 fan, even after reading the first two issues. Morrison's tale of runaway animals seemed fairly engrossing, but it wasn't what I was expecting. Quitely I never was a big fan of. His experimental art here was a very interesting concept, but interesting isn't always better.

And yet, all it takes is one outstanding issue for you to totally blow you away. I'm really, really happy that this story didn't have a toilet ending. I kinda felt bad for Pirate, but amongst the three, he was the least developed character. I was kinda expecting a more brutal fight between the three and We4. For all his brutality, We4 didn't really get to do a lot. Heck, I guess that's a good thing.

I'm surprised I liked this issue so much. As a rule, I don't like splash pages. I'll make an exception for those fantastic spreads that Quitely has done. I felt so sorry for those poor animals. And I now realise that it had nothing to do with Morrison's writing. It was Quitely all the way.

But Morrison will never be totally sidelined. He did his part, he brought out the grandeur, the sheer magnificence of the JLA, something that has been missing for a long time. JLA:Classified #3 is the conclusion to this storyline, and is a lot more interesting and coherent than the two before it.

Does this entire 3 part storyline seem like an effort to tie up loose ends? I don't believe the Ultramarine Corps played any major role in the DC universe at anytime, and I guess Morrison felt the need to permanently get them out of the way.

Can we expect an Ultramarines series anytime? Well, no, but if we did have one in the same vein vein as this story, basically large-scale action and general mayhem, whoop! I could see it working. Maybe even with Morrison writing. On second thoughts, if he does have the time, I want him back on JLA.